
Showing posts from March, 2018

Donald Trump Jr. Gets In A Snit Over Accurate BBC Headline About Ronny Jackson

For a guy who likes to accuse media outlets of pushing fake news, Donald Trump from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

AP FACT CHECK: Science contradicts EPA warming memo

WASHINGTON (AP) — Climate scientists say an internal U.S. Environmental Protection Agency memo on how officials should talk to the public about global warming doesn't reflect reality. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

Cop Who Hugged Devonte Hart in Viral Photo Shares Heartbreak Over Deadly Crash

Sgt. Bret Barnum and the now-missing teen shared a tearful embrace back in 2014. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

America Must Drop Its Delusions about Dealing with Russia

For too long, the U.S. national-security community has oscillated in its assessment of the Russian Federation, swinging between viewing Moscow as the country’s number one geopolitical threat to dismissing the challenge of a nation whose per capita GDP equals that of Portugal. This has led to the worst of all satisficing comprises: an approach that views Russia as a competitor and adversary, but which does not require a great deal of investment, because the unstoppable Russian threat of today will evaporate when Russia inevitably collapses under the weight of its economic, political and demographic contradictions. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

Turkey says France could become 'target' for backing Syria Kurds

By Tuvan Gumrukcu ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey said on Friday that a French pledge to help stabilize a region of northern Syria controlled by Kurdish-dominated forces amounted to support for terrorism and could make France a "target of Turkey". French backing for the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), spearheaded by the Kurdish YPG militia, has angered Ankara at a time when it is fighting the YPG in northern Syria and considers it a terrorist organization. President Tayyip Erdogan said France had taken a "completely wrong approach" on Syria, adding that he exchanged heated words with his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, last week. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

A Look at the Shocking Fan Mail Parkland Shooting Suspect Nikolas Cruz Is Receiving in Prison

The letters are mostly from 18-year-old girls who say, "I feel sorry for you." from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

Aravindante Athidhikal teaser: Sreenivasan and Vineeth Sreenivasan’s camaraderie leaves us wanting more

from The Indian Express via IFTTT

PM Modi Doesn't Let us Sleep Till a Project is Completed: Maharashtra CM

Addressing a gathering after laying the foundation stone of a rail coach manufacturing factory in Latur, Devendra Fadnavis said Vidarbha and Marathwada regions were his government's priority. from Top Politics News- via IFTTT

Final ‘Blue Moon’ of 2018 tonight! Next one will happen in 2020

Stargazers are in for a treat once again as the sky will light up once again with Blue Moon on Saturday night. What makes this event so special is that fact that is second and final Blue Moon of 2018. from The Financial ExpressThe Financial Express via IFTTT

Stephen Hawking remembered by hundreds at Cambridge funeral

Stephen Hawking remembered by hundreds at Cambridge funeral    USA TODAY Stephen Hawking's funeral draws thousands of mourners to the streets of Cambridge    New York Daily News Friends, family, public flock to funeral of physicist Stephen Hawking    Business Insider Stephen Hawking's family say their last goodbyes as thousands line the streets of Cambridge for the physicist's funeral ...    Daily Mail Prof Stephen Hawking funeral: Legacy 'will live forever'    BBC News Full coverage from More Top Stories - Google News via IFTTT

White House asserts Shulkin 'resigned' from VA post

White House asserts Shulkin 'resigned' from VA post    The Hill David Shulkin, recently fired VA secretary: Donald Trump 'not being well served' by team    USA TODAY David Shulkin wants to tell his side of the story -- and he's doing it everywhere    CNN David J. Shulkin: Privatizing the VA Will Hurt Veterans    New York Times For the Department of Veterans Affairs, a Trump toady    Chicago Tribune Full coverage from More Top Stories - Google News via IFTTT

UN chief calls for independent investigation after 16 Palestinians killed near Gaza's border with Israel

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called on Friday for an independent investigation into deadly clashes in Gaza between Palestinians and Israeli troops, while Security Council members urged restraint on both sides. The council didn't decide on any action or joint message after an emergency meeting. Kuwait convened it hours after the bloodiest day in Gaza since the 2014 cross-border war between Israel and Hamas, the Islamic militant group that rules the coastal strip. At least 15 Palestinian protesters were killed and more than 750 injured in clashes with Israeli forces on the Gaza border.   Thousands of Palestinians marched towards the Israeli fence around Gaza as part of large-scale demonstrations supported by Hamas, the militant Islamist group that controls the enclave.  Israel’s military said that some of the demonstrators turned violent and hurled firebombs and burning tyres at Israeli troops on the other side of the fence. Soldiers fired live ammunition as well rubber bull

Fox News host apologizes for criticizing shooting survivor

A Fox News TV host, facing blowback with advertisers, apologized Thursday for criticizing a teenager who survived a Florida school shooting that left 17 people dead. Laura Ingraham had accused David Hogg, one of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students pushing for tighter gun regulations after the rampage, of "whining" over not being accepted into several colleges. "David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

Trump has talked to Mattis about U.S.-Mexico wall funding: Pentagon

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis has spoken with President Trump about the potential use of military funds for a border wall with Mexico, the Pentagon said on Thursday. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

Crowdfunding campaign for sacked former FBI director Andrew McCabe smashes $370k target in 14 hours

A fundraising campaign to cover the legal bills of sacked former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe has smashed its target to hit $370,000 (£260,000) in just 14 hours. The page set up by the “Friends of Andrew McCabe” has already received more than 8,700 donations including some as high as $3,000. Mr McCabe was fired by Donald Trump’s attorney general Jeff Sessions less than two days before his expected retirement after more than 20 years service. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

Immigrant mother hiding in NY sanctuary church vows to stay

NEW YORK (AP) — A Guatemalan immigrant who entered a New York City church to seek refuge from immigration authorities said Thursday she will fight to prevent being separated from her children. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

U.N. chief warns another Cold War developing between Russia, U.S.

By Michelle Nichols UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - United Nations chief Antonio Guterres warned on Thursday that Russian and U.S. relations were deteriorating into a situation "similar, to a large extent, to what we lived during the Cold War" and called for safeguards to be put in place. Just days after the United States announced it would expel 12 Russian U.N. diplomats over a nerve agent attack in Britain, Guterres called for Washington and Moscow to re-establish lines of communication aimed at preventing any escalation of tensions. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

Death toll on Gaza-Israel border rises to seven: ministry

At least seven Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces on Friday, Gaza's health ministry said, as bloody clashes flared along the enclave's border. Mahmoud Rahmi, 33, became the seventh person killed when he was shot near the frontier in one of the bloodiest days of Israeli-Palestinian clashes in years, according to the ministry. Three other protesters were shot dead, while a farmer died when he was hit by a tank shell, the health ministry said. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

Cop Who Hugged Devonte Hart in Viral Photo Shares Heartbreak Over Deadly Crash

Sgt. Bret Barnum and the now-missing teen shared a tearful embrace back in 2014. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

NHAI awarded projects worth Rs 1.22 lakh crore in Financial Year 18

from The Indian Express via IFTTT

PM Modi doesn’t let us sleep till a project is completed: Maharashtra Chief Minister

from The Indian Express via IFTTT

CBSE papers leak: Google sends reply to Delhi Police

from The Indian Express via IFTTT

Government may impose 10 pct import duty on mobile motherboards

The government may impose additional duty on imported motherboards of mobile phones under phase manufacturing programme from April onwards from The Financial ExpressThe Financial Express via IFTTT

Parkland survivor Lauren Hogg tells Fox News host to 'grow up' and accuses her of cyberbullying

A survivor of the Florida high school shooting has accused Fox News host Laura Ingraham of cyberbullying, after she said her brother had whined about getting rejected from four colleges. Lauren Hogg told the Ingraham Angle host to, "grow up" after she took to Twitter, to criticise her brother David Hogg, who also survived the massacre which left 17 people dead at the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School, in Parkland. Mr Hogg has since gone on to become a vocal proponent of gun control, which has led to criticism from some quarters. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

Megachurch Pastor Accused Of Defrauding People Out Of More Than $1 Million

A Texas megachurch pastor stands accused of using his influence to lure from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

Iran slams Israel's 'shameful' killing of Gaza protesters

Iran's foreign minister on Saturday condemned the fatal shooting of 16 Gazan protesters by Israeli troops and mocked the fact that it happened as Israeli Jews prepared to mark Passover. The protesters were among thousands who marched along the Gaza-Israel border on Friday and set up protest camps at the start of a six-week campaign for the return of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees who fled or were expelled during the war surrounding Israel's creation in 1948. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

France's Macron vows support for northern Syrians, Kurdish militia

By John Irish and Marine Pennetier PARIS (Reuters) - France's president on Thursday assured the Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) of Paris' support to stabilise northeastern Syria against Islamic State, and Kurdish officials said he had committed to sending troops to the region. Emmanuel Macron has been criticized at home over his response to a Turkish military operation against YPG militants. The group makes up a large portion of the SDF, which have been at the forefront of the U.S.-led coalition's strategy to defeat the hard-line militants. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

America Must Drop Its Delusions about Dealing with Russia

For too long, the U.S. national-security community has oscillated in its assessment of the Russian Federation, swinging between viewing Moscow as the country’s number one geopolitical threat to dismissing the challenge of a nation whose per capita GDP equals that of Portugal. This has led to the worst of all satisficing comprises: an approach that views Russia as a competitor and adversary, but which does not require a great deal of investment, because the unstoppable Russian threat of today will evaporate when Russia inevitably collapses under the weight of its economic, political and demographic contradictions. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

Ex-Tennessee teacher who fled with teen wants to change plea

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — An ex-Tennessee teacher who fled with a 15-year-old student last year and set off a 39-day nationwide manhunt has asked to change his plea in federal court. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

Who gains from Facebook’s missteps?

When Facebook loses, who wins? That’s a question for startups that may be worth contemplating following Facebook’s recent stock price haircut. The company’s valuation has fallen by around $60 billion since the Cambridge Analytica scandal surfaced earlier this month and the #DeleteFacebook campaign gained momentum. That’s a steep drop, equal to about 12 percent of the company’s market valuation, and it’s a decline Facebook appears to be suffering alone. As its shares fell over the past couple of weeks, stocks of other large-cap tech and online media companies have been much flatter. So where did the money go? It’s probably a matter of perspective. For a Facebook shareholder, that valuation is simply gone. And until executives’ apologies resonate and users’ desire to click and scroll overcomes their privacy fears, that’s how it is. An alternate view is that the valuation didn’t exactly disappear. Investors may still believe the broad social media space is just as valuable as it was

UN chief calls for independent investigation after 16 Palestinians killed near Gaza's border with Israel

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called on Friday for an independent investigation into deadly clashes in Gaza between Palestinians and Israeli troops, while Security Council members urged restraint on both sides. The council didn't decide on any action or joint message after an emergency meeting. Kuwait convened it hours after the bloodiest day in Gaza since the 2014 cross-border war between Israel and Hamas, the Islamic militant group that rules the coastal strip. At least 15 Palestinian protesters were killed and more than 750 injured in clashes with Israeli forces on the Gaza border.   Thousands of Palestinians marched towards the Israeli fence around Gaza as part of large-scale demonstrations supported by Hamas, the militant Islamist group that controls the enclave.  Israel’s military said that some of the demonstrators turned violent and hurled firebombs and burning tyres at Israeli troops on the other side of the fence. Soldiers fired live ammunition as well rubber bull

Officials seek clues in SUV cliff crash that likely killed 8

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Accident-reconstruction investigators are trying to figure out what caused an SUV carrying a family to plunge off a California cliff in a deadly wreck that happened shortly after child-welfare authorities went to their home to investigate possible abuse. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

Trump has talked to Mattis about U.S.-Mexico wall funding: Pentagon

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis has spoken with President Trump about the potential use of military funds for a border wall with Mexico, the Pentagon said on Thursday. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

Crowdfunding campaign for sacked former FBI director Andrew McCabe smashes $370k target in 14 hours

A fundraising campaign to cover the legal bills of sacked former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe has smashed its target to hit $370,000 (£260,000) in just 14 hours. The page set up by the “Friends of Andrew McCabe” has already received more than 8,700 donations including some as high as $3,000. Mr McCabe was fired by Donald Trump’s attorney general Jeff Sessions less than two days before his expected retirement after more than 20 years service. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

Immigrant mother hiding in NY sanctuary church vows to stay

NEW YORK (AP) — A Guatemalan immigrant who entered a New York City church to seek refuge from immigration authorities said Thursday she will fight to prevent being separated from her children. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

Republican Strategist Nails Why David Hogg Got To Laura Ingraham

> "This kid's not scared. He's not scared of the NRA. He's not intimidated and from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

U.N. chief warns another Cold War developing between Russia, U.S.

By Michelle Nichols UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - United Nations chief Antonio Guterres warned on Thursday that Russian and U.S. relations were deteriorating into a situation "similar, to a large extent, to what we lived during the Cold War" and called for safeguards to be put in place. Just days after the United States announced it would expel 12 Russian U.N. diplomats over a nerve agent attack in Britain, Guterres called for Washington and Moscow to re-establish lines of communication aimed at preventing any escalation of tensions. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

Mary Kay Letourneau's Husband, Vili Fualaau, Arrested for DUI: Report

Vili Fualaau, 34, allegedly had a dazed expression, bloodshot eyes and slurred speech when police in Burien stopped him on Feb. 2. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

CBSE Paper Leaks: NSUI Protests Outside ABVP Office

The NSUI alleged that a district convenor of the ABVP in Jharkhand whose name is Sathish Pandey has been booked in the CBSE question paper leak case. from Top Politics News- via IFTTT

Beef Export Flourishing Under PM Modi's Watch, Says Karnataka Minister

Taking a dig at the BJP over its "double standard" on the ban of cow slaughter, Karnataka minister Ramalinga Reddy today alleged that the country's beef export was flourishing under Prime Minister... from NDTV News - India-news via IFTTT

Nitish Kumar Government Pins Bihar Violence Blame On Union Minister's Son

The Nitish Kumar government has appeared to let its alliance partner BJP influence its handling of the communal clashes in Bihar over the last fortnight. On Saturday, the government signalled that the... from NDTV News - India-news via IFTTT

Beef Export Flourishing Under PM Modi's Watch, Says Karnataka Minister

Taking a dig at the BJP over its "double standard" on the ban of cow slaughter, Karnataka minister Ramalinga Reddy today alleged that the country's beef export was flourishing under Prime Minister... from NDTV News - Top-stories via IFTTT

Best new shows and movies to stream: ‘Silicon Valley’ season 5, ‘Barry,’ and more

Need something to watch this weekend? Check out our list of the best new shows and movies to stream right now. On the list this week: A medieval comedy, the return of Silicon Valley, and more. The post Best new shows and movies to stream: ‘Silicon Valley’ season 5, ‘Barry,’ and more appeared first on Digital Trends . from Digital Trends via IFTTT

The best movies on Netflix right now (April 2018)

Save yourself from hours wasted scrolling through Netflix's massive library by checking out our picks for the best movies there, whether you're into explosive action, subdued humor, or everything in between. The post The best movies on Netflix right now (April 2018) appeared first on Digital Trends . from Digital Trends via IFTTT

Spy poisoning: UK plays down Russia complaint at plane search

The UK says the search of an Aeroflot plane at Heathrow was routine - illegal says Russia. from BBC News - World

YSR Congress MPs Threaten To Quit Over Special Status Demand

Announcing a fresh action plan to mount pressure on the Centre to grant Special Category Status to Andhra Pradesh, YSR Congress today said the party MPs would not only resign from their posts, but... from NDTV News - Top-stories via IFTTT

Nitish Kumar Government Pins Bihar Violence Blame On Union Minister's Son

The Nitish Kumar government has appeared to let its alliance partner BJP influence its handling of the communal clashes in Bihar over the last fortnight. On Saturday, the government signalled that the... from NDTV News - Top-stories via IFTTT

Nitish Kumar Government Pins Bihar Violence Blame On Union Minister's Son

The Nitish Kumar government has appeared to let its alliance partner BJP influence its handling of the communal clashes in Bihar over the last fortnight. On Saturday, the government signalled that the... from NDTV News - Special via IFTTT

Stephen Reinhardt, liberal circuit court judge, dies at 87

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Judge Stephen Reinhardt, a liberal stalwart on the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals for nearly four decades, died Thursday in Southern California. He was 87. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

Fox News host apologizes for criticizing shooting survivor

A Fox News TV host, facing blowback with advertisers, apologized Thursday for criticizing a teenager who survived a Florida school shooting that left 17 people dead. Laura Ingraham had accused David Hogg, one of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students pushing for tighter gun regulations after the rampage, of "whining" over not being accepted into several colleges. "David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

Buzzkill? Coffee cancer warnings could go beyond California

LOS ANGELES (AP) — It's fair to say that a lot of people awoke Friday to a headline that might have jolted them more awake than a morning cup of joe: A California judge had ruled that coffee sold in the state should carry a cancer warning. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

David Hogg: Laura Ingraham 'needs to be held accountable'

David Hogg discusses Laura Ingraham's latest actions involving her attacks against him and her subsequent apology. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

Trump tells advisers he wants U.S. out of Syria: senior officials

By Steve Holland WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is telling advisers he wants an early exit of U.S. troops from Syria, two senior administration officials said on Friday, a stance that may put him at odds with many top U.S. officials. Trump is spending Easter weekend at his Palm Beach, Florida, estate. During a speech in Richfield, Ohio on Thursday, he revealed his desire to withdraw U.S. forces from Syria and turn over security to regional countries. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

America Must Drop Its Delusions about Dealing with Russia

For too long, the U.S. national-security community has oscillated in its assessment of the Russian Federation, swinging between viewing Moscow as the country’s number one geopolitical threat to dismissing the challenge of a nation whose per capita GDP equals that of Portugal. This has led to the worst of all satisficing comprises: an approach that views Russia as a competitor and adversary, but which does not require a great deal of investment, because the unstoppable Russian threat of today will evaporate when Russia inevitably collapses under the weight of its economic, political and demographic contradictions. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

Fox's Ingraham taking vacation as advertisers flee amid controversy

(Reuters) - Fox News show host Laura Ingraham announced on her show late Friday that she is taking next week off, after almost a dozen advertisers dropped her show after the conservative pundit mocked a teenage survivor of the Florida school massacre on Twitter. from Reuters: U.S. via IFTTT

French armed officers spark Italy migrant centre row

Italy reacts angrily as customs officers enter a migrant centre to carry out a urine test. from BBC News - Home via IFTTT

Woman Given 5 Years In Prison For Illegally Voting Says She Didn't Know She Was Ineligible

Crystal Mason's mom insisted that she vote in the 2016 presidential election, from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

Mueller reportedly eyeing Sessions as Sessions cheats on recusal

Rachel Maddow shares new reporting that Robert Mueller's investigation includes looking at Jeff Sessions contacts with Russians, while at the same time, Sessions is sending investigators to look at the conduct of the Trump Russia investigation. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

Parkland Survivor Criticizes Laura Ingraham For Only Apologizing After Advertisers Fled

Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg on Friday pilloried Fox News host Laura from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

Family of 8 Had Raised Some Worries Before Mysterious Cliff Crash in California

The Hart Tribe, as they were known, took spontaneous road trips, and they may have been on one when their SUV plunged off a cliff. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

Megachurch Pastor Accused Of Defrauding People Out Of More Than $1 Million

A Texas megachurch pastor stands accused of using his influence to lure from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

Russia’s Massive 200-Ton RS-28 ICBM Will Be Ready for Nuclear War in 2021

Russia’s massive 200-ton RS-28 Sarmat heavy liquid-fuelled intercontinental ballistic missile is set to become operational by 2021. “Under the government-run program for armaments extending till 2027 Sarmat is to be produced serially starting from 2020,” a defense industry source told the TASS news agency. The weapon does not appear to have started testing yet, but the comments from the TASS source appear to somewhat contradict previous comments from other Russian officials. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

The Latest: Blast in Syria kills member of UK armed forces

BEIRUT (AP) — The Latest on developments in Syria (all times local): from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT

Advertisers abandon Laura Ingraham's show after Fox News host mocks Parkland shooting survivor

Top advertisers are fleeing a Fox News show after host Laura Ingraham mocked a Parkland school shooting survivor over his college rejections. At least four companies announced they would cease advertising on the show after Ms Ingraham tweeted tauntingly about 17-year-old David Hogg’s rejection from four colleges. Mr Hogg has become a prominent voice in the gun control movement following the Valentine's Day massacre at his high school that left 17 people dead. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via IFTTT